

Kite Club Corfu (KCC) is on the south-west coast of Corfu, on the beach in the Chalikounas conservation area

The beach boasts daily North Westerly winds, perfect for kiting. It’s mile long stretch and shallow gradient makes it safe, giving virtually unlimited freedom for speed and tricks, and also makes it much easier for beginners exercises such as water starts and body tracking. The beach is very wide and flat making launching, landing and flying exercises a piece of cake. About 200 meters away from the station is a beach bar with refreshments and snacks for the hungry and thirsty kite/wing/wind surfer.

Kite Club Corfu

Our reception is located at Kite Club Corfu. Please come here first for information, registration for classes and rentals.

Wind and Weather

Corfu boasts a warm climate from spring to Autumn, with regular flights to its international airport, and a virtually rain free summer period with and average temperature of 35 degrees during the day.
Chalikounas is warm with calm winds in the night and early morning, steadily picking up for a day of perfect kiting conditions. It has clear skies, with sunny days and impressive blanket of stars on crisp clear nights. Here are the forecasting sites we use.

New for 2024: we have a live weather station on Windguru! 24/7 speed, direction with our local forecast.


We suggest you look for accommodations in the Southern part of Corfu. We live in Agios Georgios Argyrades, where we have hotels, apartments, restaurants, bars and supermarkets. Other nearby towns are Agios Matheos, Moraitika or Mesongi. Although Corfu is a small island, driving from the North of Corfu to Chaliokounas can take a very long time.

Our Local Partners

Here are a couple of our partners here on Corfu.